This is a place for venting thoughts that are in my mind. Some of these writings are old but others will be new. Grab your coffee or tea and Enjoy!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

From a Grateful heart

My, My how times does fly bye
11 years and in December going to 12
My God you have been to wonderful to me
I am sorry for not writing a poem like this sooner

I thank you that You save me from:
and even from my own self
Not only just that but you recreated me 
I am person that is being made to reflect your teaching
I am in awe that you would want to use for you message of:
and Mercy
Molding me still to the Man of God that follows only you
I thank you for that 
For all other gods fail to compare or stand up next to you
Our God is Forever, Holy and True.

You put this joy of life in my heart
A new song to sing each and everyday
and a passion to want to live for You
Though I do make mistakes you love me and work with me through it all
You have always provided sometimes a little too much
But I thank you for your generousity and do try to bless others back
I love you God, but you know that is already a fact

So Thank you again God for all that you have down
I humbly gratitude and I know when trust you
The best is yet to come, I know that and so do you

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