This is a place for venting thoughts that are in my mind. Some of these writings are old but others will be new. Grab your coffee or tea and Enjoy!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Well Pardon me

I wanted to say a few things
But they are not going to be sad anways
Because they can not bring back the times that were spent
Like the old days

So I am moving on, Hope you know!
Packing my heart and moving on.  
Your missing out for not picking me
Justify it all you want about my appearance or distance
But I still have an active walk with God

So I am officially moving on.
For there is somebody else better out there
That would love me for person I am from the side

Friday, December 17, 2010

Dear Crooked Male & its fiancés sin

To hell with what you say
I will not be what they want to label me by
I will refuse to become a sterotype
I refuse to be quiet anymore
For I am something more

I do not act like some animal
I am not some monkey or a wolf
Salivating, drooling, and lusting
Wanting just my desires to be pleased
I refuse to look at her like some piece of meat
I refuse to be something like that
Or be anything like that

I might not be the perfect Knight in shining armor
Far from perfect I am at times
But I am a human and so is she
Made in God's image
Can not all you guys see
Everytime you lust after her you are deframing her of same image she carries
Who said you had the right to do so? 
Just because you have muscle 
Does not mean you need to abuse it! 

Open your eyes you fool!
And for once think with your head and not with your hormones! 
So quit trying to fulfill your lustful thoughts
She has hopes and dreams
Help her achieve them instead of getting into her panties
For she might not really be your future wife! 

Though I am not God
But I have to state
You make me want to throw up

You womanizing men I wish you were all never been born
I know it might sound a bit unChristian but it had to be said

It is guys like you that make me feel ashamed
To call myself guy and be grouped like that
And I am not like that
Definitely not like you! 
I will never, ever want to be like you!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Dear Companion

Dear woman,
Lying alone in this bed
Wondering where you are?
Hoping you are safe and not in danger

The thought arrived what happened if you were near
Snuggling up to you with arms around you
Eyes closed Taking in your beauty by smell 
As we chat about life
When silence feels the air
I will be quietly Thanking God everyday of there year 
When you are near

God why did you make women such a beautiful creature?
Not just in a physical way 
But how she holds her self up, through the trials of this world
How she complements a male within the relationship
Truly she is more than good
A wonderful blessing/ gift

I would like to have one God
One that loves you with all her
and strength

A woman that would be faithful
Her actions speak of her integrity and walk with You
When her kisses, hugs and handholding 
Are simple but enjoyable expressions of how she loves me

Dear God I would like a wife 



Monday, December 6, 2010

Dear Missing Soulmate

Dear Soulmate of mine
You make me feel so weak
When I am simply around you
I want to be kneeling at your feet

Dear love of mine, I would enjoy the time with you
I just want to know something….
I need to hear would you feel the same as well?

So Just say you love me
I am forever yours
You are mine
Just say you love me,
For I given my heart for yours

Just say you love me
Forever in your throughouts for all time
Because I gave my heart to you
Till the day I die

So say you love me
Because i simply do love you
Not because of your physical attraction
But a Spiritual one that draws me close to you

So say you love me
With your smile, eyes, thoughts, and soul
I promise to be the most faithful to you
Giving you my very all

Till then,


Thursday, December 2, 2010

State of Emergency!

 ***Originally written on Sunday, May 3, 2009 at 3:03pm--Only did some grammatical editing. 

   Dad and I were just about to end our cruise ride around town at a local gas station to  fueling up the Mustang.  While dad went to pay for the gas a woman and male (young adult) pulled up to the right hand side of me.  The male from the passenger seat opens up the door with eye contact at the girl says shut the F up (censorship folks). I cringed hearing such words especially with a distinct angerish tone.
   As I layed a quick eye contact with this guy I could not help but have bad feelings and feel sorry for this girl.  I tried not to pay attention but could not help but wonder what was going on.  The male was trying to act domineering but did not want to make such a big scene. The hight of the guy was taller and looked a bit stronger than the girl or me.
   Before the girl was left to gas up the vehicle alone, those two exchanged a quick few second conversation in which I heard no I'm sorry.  After the conversation he walked off and slammed the door shut sitting back in the passenger seat.
   I wonder as I look at this young lady who looks to be close to my age. What was her story? Is this her brother or bf?  Does guy always treat this girl this way?  She does not deserve to be told shut the f-u, period.
   My mind came with wanting to ask the woman was everything okay, while she was gassing up the vehicle.  But deep down there was a tug a war from within. Why but into their private lives?  But at the same time maybe there is something more to the scenario?  He only said a verbal bad word to her. Who am I to barge in and tell the guy to apologize. I do not know the whole scenario.  In the end I  choose the cowards route and did not do anything.  Kind of regret it now. 

   But yet I believe, no girl deserves to be cussed at. I do not care if she was getting on the guys nerves or not. There is other positive or useful ways of chatting with a girl. Overall I felt sad for her and hope she was not in an abusive relationship. 

   As my dad came back and started up the Mustang I continued to think about the situation what can I really do?  My dad turned right to go around the vehicle I took a another glance at the guy.  Deep within I could see his eyes within my mind. The eyes portrayed a lost and hate deep within. This scared and broke my heart.
   I do not know the whole story of his or the girls life only God does.  But it broke my heart to see how the guy treated the girl.  I just hoped and prayed as we left she was not in an abusive relationship.  The prayer was not just for that women but for all women around the world.  Please God give these women strength to leave abusive relationships and bring people in their lives to help and reaffirm them.   Sorry God for not doing anything at that time. 
   I know there are women out there who have been treated such a way and are scared. To those please know that not all guys are like that. There are nice guys out there are more interested in who you are than getting into your pants (yes I just made such a statement). Yes those scars hurt but there can be healing. You do not have to be bound by the chains of your past.  It is easier said then done I know, but there is hope through it all.

Letter to her

Dear Answering Woman

Riddle me this
Riddle me that
I wonder where you at?

Are you inside or outside of the house?
Are you in bed or awake?
Are you on the computer or video gaming?
Are you cooking or grabbing takeout?
Are you studying or working?
Are you partying or staying home?
Do you Love God or not yet? 

Where are you at my dear?
I wonder where you are because all I want is to...
Hold you and knowing you are near 


Riddling Man

SideNote:  Semi old note but updated it and tried to clean it up a bit. 

Another Old Post

 Originally posted:  Saturday, August 16, 2008

Today has been a busy day for me. Yet I will be busy for a while longer, unforunately. Blah, I know I should have not played Halo last night. lol.

During my break time I was searching through Facebook's groups and I came across a group that calls themselves "F*** All Canadians...Canasians, Canindians, etc...". First comes to my mind was why create such a group with this kind of naming. It is just wrong.

My heart dropped a few beats as I clicked on it and read upon their hatred. Inside my heart became sadden to see how mankind could act this way. In my mind I thought of many wonderful Canadians I know and love that I hold dear to my heart. They are amazing people and it is sad how people can be so judgmental against them and show such hatred.

Deep down as I looked at some of the people on the group (I did not see all of them), questions came to my mind if some of them were Christians or not. If some were Christians then why would they show this kind of hatred?

Deep down in my own heart I started to feel little flustered to think there are people who think this way. Again, there have been (Canadian) friends in my life who have treated me better than the American friends. However, I remember the words of my Great and compassionate Teacher to love people.

I am not trying to sound all rightious writing this note but in general I think (as I grow older and hopefully wiser) it is wrong to hate people without knowing them first. Even then, God calls His people to be different, to Love instead of hate.

Which brings me to think why does mankind want to show hatred? It saddens my heart to see how we as humans can be so cruel and mean to each other.

However I will do all I can to love others no matter what country they are from. In my mind a song called:

Love Hate (On and On) by Disciple

A little one that’s full of innocence
He doesn’t know that something’s out of place
Another one dreams murder all night
He’s been living full of hatred all his life

Well, I guess it’s always been this way
A world that’s full of love and hate
Oh God, but will it stay this way?
So much love, so much hate

It goes on and on and on around and again

A mother is willing to give her life
While another one throws away her child
A son stands and he turns the other cheek
While another one spits in a face while it bleeds

This evil that’s within is hiding in our skin
What are we? When will we?
Why are we still wondering?

Oh Jesus, I can’t take the hate anymore
Save us from ourselves before
We go on and on and on around and again

Overall, I am not trying to sound super righteous writing this note. However I am venting how I feel.  The nation of Canada is more than just "America Jr" by what people joke around about. I have seen and lived with Canadians and I can not help but love them (though I only lived in part of Sussex).
    I might disagree with them on some things like sports, however that should not be a huge barrier against me to have least a general discussion with them about weather, life and to help one another.
Therefore I have some awesome Canadian friends, some of them I treat them like they are like my brothers and sisters.

Okay I am going to stop before I start acting like a broken record.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Dear Missing Companion

*This was first written in July 18, 2008.  I did clean it up and reworded it.   

I wonder where are you?
Are you safe or in danger?

I wonder what are you doing?
Are you saying your prayers?
Are you talking to your friends?
Hanging out with an old bf?
I would really like to know

I wonder what your feelings are
Are you 
or confused?
My mind can think of these endless situations
Yet they would not bring me closer to you

So I can only hope you are safe and we will see each other soon
I wonder when we see each other how would we meet?
at an airport or a party?
in Church or a hotel?

Would we click instantly?
Or have to learn to appreciate each other? 
A guy can go a bit crazy thinking these things
Because I have been waiting quite a while
I hope we will see each other soon.
If not, I have a mission to complete still:
To present the Good news to those who need
